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  • Personal Productivity Training-Time Management

Personal Productivity Training-Time Management

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $65.00.

In this course, I provide you with some very practical tools and strategies you can put in place immediately to improve your productivity and effectiveness at work. The course comprises two pre-recorded training Videos.

In this Personal Productivity training course (Time Management), I provide you with some very practical tools and strategies you can put in place immediately to improve your productivity and manage your time smarter. Traditionally, this type of training is called time management training, however we prefer the term ‘personal productivity training’. We take the view that we are all responsible for our own productivity, whether working alone or with others.

As a result, we use a very practical and more rounded approach to learning about productivity than the typical list of tips and tricks. We know this works because, over twenty years, we’ve seen our programs assist hundreds of individuals and teams to develop better work habits.

This on-demand course includes two video training sessions. Originally this was a 2-hour and then about a 1.5-hour video recording, but is now slightly less than that after editing the Videos.


Session 1 Outline

  • Simple steps to be organised & productive (Paper/Digital)
  • Prioritising the Urgent v Important
  • Planning to be more productive
  • Notetaking to improve Productivity
  • Introducing MS OneNote for notetaking
  • Managing your To List
  • Digital To Do List options (MS To Do)

Session 2 Outline

  • Strategies to focus on Tasks
  • Managing Interruptions and Distractions
  • Delegating more effectively
  • Dealing with your Monkeys
  • Procrastinating less – develop a bias for action!